Getting enough sleep is important for your skin, mental clarity, your overall health including your immune system and every organ. Without enough sleep your body cannot regenerate itself. We can talk for a long time about this, but let’s cut to the chase. Here’s the basics relating to skin:

When you sleep, your body releases human growth hormones (HGH). This important hormone is necessary for building collagen. Read our previous post about collagen production to maximize the benefits if you take collagen supplements (Collagen supplements do not stay intact after ingestion because they are broken down into amino acids for your body to reform the collagen proteins). Cortisol (the stress hormone) production increases with deprived sleep which negatively interferes with collagen production. Skin conditions such as acne, eczema and psoriasis can also be aggravated by a lack of sleep because of this increase in cortisol.

Your body is also building elastin and hyaluronic acid during sleep which are also just as important to help keep your skin looking young and healthy.

During sleep your body is moving fluids around, essentially “flushing out” your systems. If this does not happen properly, sagging skin, wrinkles, dark circles and baggy eyes will result.

There is lots of scientific research available. The US Army discovered that sleep was more important regarding faster wound healing than nutrition!

Get 7-9 hours of sleep per night to help stay healthy and young naturally!

5 tips for a better nights sleep

1. Have a very specific routine of at least 3 things that you consistently perform at the same time every night. This signals your brain it is time for bed. It can be very simple: Listen to relaxing music, brushing your teeth, turning off the light, getting in bed the same way, laying on your back with hands on heart and say out loud everything you are grateful for, meditating. Just a few suggestions, make it what you want, but make it the same things in the same order every time at the same time. Establishing a routine will help you fall asleep faster.

2. Exercise. Wear that body out, but not near your bedtime! Exercise is incredibly healthy for so many reasons, including your skin because of the increased blood flow. Regular exercise promotes better sleep. The harder the workout, the better you will sleep.

3. Make the room as dark as you can. Light can and will disrupt and prevent good deep sleep. But at the same time, it is healthy and better to wake up to natural light. If it is not possible to have your cake and eat it too, buy a “natural light” alarm clock. It mimics the rising sun. Also, getting real sun during the day has a variety of health benefits for the physical, emotional and mental bodies. Get outside for at least 30-60 minutes!

4. Hydration is two fold. First, dehydration can cause poor sleep. Second, drinking right before bed time can also disrupt your sleep by having to use the restroom too many times in the middle of the night. Plan accordingly throughout the day so you stay properly hydrated. Avoid alcohol and caffeine, that is terrible for your sleep! No, alcohol does not help you sleep for those of you thinking it does.

5. Eat a healthy diet of whole foods. Cook at home with fresh foods that are healthy. Leave the butter out of your food, unless it is traditional ghee. Eating processed foods and foods made with preservatives or other toxins is a nightmare for your body.

There’s the basic 5! If you want more tips for a good nights sleep, just ask in the comments below.

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